【問題】Plague Inc app store ?推薦回答

關於「Plague Inc app store」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:

Plague Inc. - Apps on Google Play。

評分 4.6 (3,635,188) · 免費 · AndroidCan you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero' ...。

Plague Inc. on the App Store。

評分 4.9 (13,110) · 免費 · iOSCan you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero' ...: 。

在App Store 上的「Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司)」。

評分 4.9 (13,126) · 免費 · iOS此App 只能透過iPhone 及iPad 的App Store 取得。

Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司) 12+.: 。

Plague Inc. taken down from China App Store - Neowin。

2020年2月28日 · Ndemic Creations, the developer behind Plague Inc. has announced that its game has been pulled from the App Store in China.。

Plague Inc. / Rebel Inc. no Twitter: "@LolDoes "Restore Purchases ...。

2019年1月20日 · Im sorry but I bought stuff on Plague inc but the Restore purchases button ... That needs to go through the store (Apple or GooglePlay).。

Plague, Inc. removed from China's App Store - The Washington Post。

2020年2月28日 · Plague Inc., one of the Apple App Store's most popular iPhone games, has been removed from China's App Store after the country's Cyberspace ...: 。

Why Was 'Fortnite' Removed From Apple and Google App Stores?。

2020年8月18日 · “Fortnite” players have been drawn into an off-screen battle between the company behind the popular videogame, Epic Games Inc., and tech ...。


Plague Inc是一款適用於iPhone和iPad的戰略遊戲,在其中我們必須創造一種可以終結 ... 是,由於其正確的更新策略和令人上癮的遊戲玩法,它繼續在App Store中排名最高。


Google Trends。

Enter a search term or a topic. search. Or start with an example. keyboard_arrow_down. Or start with an example. HIDE. Taylor Swift. Kim Kardashian.

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